Elevate Advantage

Risk Disclosure

The following is a comprehensive disclosure of potential risks associated with investments:

Prior to engaging with this website, users are advised to thoroughly evaluate the following considerations, among others. It is imperative to comprehensively understand and carefully deliberate upon these risks. Additional uncertainties, presently undisclosed or considered insignificant, may also exist. Prospective investors should possess both the financial capacity and willingness to embrace the inherent risks and illiquidity associated with the described investments. Furthermore, it’s essential to understand that there will be no public market available for the units of the investment opportunity.

Because of the uncertainties and subjective judgments inherent in selecting opportunities and the assumptions made; and because future events and circumstances cannot be predicted, there can be no assurance that the desired expected results of the opportunity will be achieved.

The actual outcomes may significantly vary.

•In reaching an investment determination, users must depend on their own evaluation of the opportunity and the terms of the offering, encompassing both the merits and risks implicated.

Potential Risk Factors

•Although we will exercise due diligence in formulating and providing recommendations to you, it’s important to recognize that all securities carry inherent risk, and there is a possibility of financial loss. There is no assurance that your investment objectives will be met, or that the securities we advise will yield the expected results.

•Prospective investors accessing this website and intending to apply for investment in the opportunities presented herein are required to familiarize themselves with and comply with all relevant laws and regulations of India and their respective tax jurisdiction. 

Risk Disclosure Statement

Specific risks include, but are not limited to, the following:

Real Estate Ownership in General- The investments we propose will be exposed to the typical risks associated with owning, operating, and developing real estate. Given that real estate, akin to numerous other long-term investments, has historically undergone significant fluctuations and cycles in value, particular market conditions may lead to occasional or permanent reductions in the value of the investments. 

General Macroeconomic Conditions– Overall macroeconomic conditions, such as interest rates, inflation rates, availability of credit and alternate sources of financing, trade barriers and participation by other categories of investors may impact the opportunity’s level of success. Aditionally the liquidity of investments therein may be affected by uncertainties such as changes in governmental policies, taxation, restrictions on foreign investment, other laws and regulations and currency fluctuations. Volatility could impair the opportunity’s profitability or result in financial losses.

Data and Forecasts– Market data and certain industry forecasts used in forecasts for an opportunity are obtained from market research, publicly available information and industry publications. Industry publications typically assert that the information they provide is sourced from reliable sources, although they do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of this information. Similarly, industry forecasts and market research, while deemed reliable, have not undergone independent verification.

Forward-looking statements– In addition to the aforementioned, forecasts regarding investment outcomes are formulated based on various assumptions, current and future business strategies, and the anticipated future operating environment of the opportunity. Significant factors that may cause actual outcomes, including but not limited to results, performance, or achievements, to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements include the condition of the Indian economy, the ability to divest or dispose of investments within the opportunity, and other factors beyond the control of the company or the asset manager. These forward-looking statements are valid only as of the date of their publication. The company or the asset manager explicitly disclaims any obligation or commitment to publicly release any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement contained in the collateral materials related to the opportunity.

Leverage– The investments within the opportunities currently do not have any possibilities for leverage.

Long-term Investment– Every investment opportunity will specify a minimum lock-in period, typically ranging from a minimum of  3 years. However it is expected that, beyond the minimum lock-in period, a substantial amount of time will be required from the initial investment date to attain a mature state where investment realization, if any, can be achieved.

Illiquidity of Investments– The acquisition of securities we endorse should be viewed as a long-term commitment, and attaining liquidity at the anticipated price may not always be feasible. Investments in the company, which in turn invests in real property, are directly tied to the value of the real estate and prevailing market conditions. While asset manager will facilitate the investors for sale of securities in the secondary market, liquidity cannot be guaranteed and is only available to the extent there is interest from a suitable buyer. Consequently, investments in the opportunities presented here may not be suitable for investors seeking immediate liquidity, and no investor should acquire securities if they are unable to hold them indefinitely.

Minority Investment and Inability to Exercise Control  Investment in a particular opportunity will entail a minority stake, which lacks the control attributes associated with majority or controlling stakes in the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), and thus may not enable significant influence over its management. Additionally, as a minority investor, the SPV’s rights typically depend on the consensus of a majority of other investors. An investor’s ability to realize appreciation from the investment may therefore be contingent on the existing management and board of directors/partners  of the SPV.

Changes in Indian Laws and / or Regulations– Legal and regulatory changes could occur, adversely affecting the value of the real property or the expenditure of the company. Changes in regulations could have adverse effects  on the value of investments and projections.

Impact of Allocation Factor Structure– The Asset Manager is entitled to a certain percentage of the investment value invested into the  opportunity transaction, at entry level as specified in the documents that will be signed for each opportunity. This provision will  cause a redistrubution of the percentage ownership of each lot of investment value. 

Reliance on Asset Manager-The asset manager facilitates for support in accounting, tax and other administrative services to the company holding the investment opportunity. The asset management Agreement / binding agreement lays down the rights and duties of the asset manager and the full extent of their obligations regarding the reporting in respect of the opportunity to investors as well as certain other services provided by the asset manager. Additionally, the asset management agreement includes provisions limiting the liability of the asset manager and its affiliates.

Operational Risks– The asset manager’s systems and operations are dynamic and complex. Certain of its operations interface with third parties and / or depend on systems operated by third parties and the asset manager may not be able to quantify the risks or verify the reliability of such third-party systems. Certain operational risks are inherent to the asset manager’s activities and may affect its financial, accounting, data processing, or other systems, particularly due to the volume, diversity, and complexity of daily transactions. Unless otherwise contractually agreed, the asset manager will not be liable for losses resulting from technological errors or similar human errors.

Professional Advice– Although the asset manager will consult counsels, accountants and other experts regarding the structure, terms, and operation of the company holding the opportunity, these professionals do not serve as representatives for potential or prospective investors. T The company or the asset manager vehemently urge each prospective investor to engage their own legal, tax, and financial advisors to thoroughly assess the advisability and appropriateness of investing in the opportunity. It is imperative that prospective investors understand that when making an investment decision concerning the opportunity, they must solely rely on their own comprehensive examination of the opportunity and the terms of the offering, meticulously considering both the potential rewards and risks involved.

 Natural or Man-Made Catastrophes  Natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, explosions, pandemics, and man-made disasters including terrorism, act of god and military actions, have the potential to adversely affect the Indian economy and consequently, influence the overall performance of the real estate market. This, in turn, may have adverse effects on the performance of the opportunity.